
Our vision is to build young girls' characters with cheerleading.  

With healthy competition, mentorship, and fun activities, we will consistently train, bond, and develop young girls through cheerleading.



                                                               From Left to Right: Coach Jayda, Coach Neisha, Ms. Sam


























Co-Founder and Head Coach

Hello, I am Coach Neisha.  I have been coaching for 21 years.  I got my start in coaching when I was only 14 years old after a parent admired the way that I led my little league team when our coach quit mid-season.  I am well rounded in the cheer world.  I have coached schools (Elementary-High School) , non competitive and competitive little league teams.  I have even coached a stand alone performance team.  I have competed and won on local, regional, and national levels.  What sets me a part from all other coaches is that I combine mentorship with my programs.  I do not believe in just building technically sound athletes, I believe in building morally sound individuals.  I build character and skill.  I invest my entire being into building relationships with the girls and families that I train.  My fruit is currently being able to partner in business and coach together with one of the girls who I trained years ago.  I understand that it is not about me, but it is about all of us.  I know that I'm getting older, so it is my duty to train the next generation of leaders that are coming after me. This includes the girls that become a part of the Michigan Jewels. I'm looking forward to having a fabulous season with all of you.  I can't wait to see the growth in all of us!  Go Jewels!   

Co-Founder and Head Coach

Hello My name is coach Jayda. I fell in love with cheer at the age of 4 and never quit since . I have cheered all of my life until I was 18 years old. I have been coaching for 5 years now and it has been the absolute best !! Me giving back to these young ladies is one of the best opportunities I have experienced. My job is not only to coach. I am here to uplift and to teach these girls the true definition of courage, confidence, teamwork,leadership and roll model skills.

Co Founder and Administrator

Hello! I’m Ms Sam. Cheer has been a part of my life since my daughter was 4. Yes, Jayda is my daughter. Throughout her cheer career, I was by her side, so cheer has been my world too. I’ve been a cheer coordinator for a little league team and a cheer commissioner for a little league organization. I’m not a coach but I am someone who will get the girls/parents what they need. I enjoy watching the girls grow, compete, and enjoy what they’re doing. I look forward to being apart of the girls lives to help develop and build them into beautiful young adults and great cheerleaders!